Schedule a session.
An EDGe financial expert will meet with you for 90 minutes of personalized time to talk about you.
Prepare for our meeting.
Select the topics related to your business financial situation that you wish to discuss. Here are some common topics we have discussed with many business owners:
Quickbooks – Set up and use Quickbooks to manage your business
Financial Statements Review – Help you understand your numbers
Financial Future - Discuss the future of your business in 1, 3, 5 years
Business Succession Planning - Plans for selling your business
Cash – Determine where your cash is coming from where is it going
Investments - Talk about a specific investment you want to make
Securely and confidently send / bring any information for use during the meeting, including but not limited to:
Quickbook Access / Reports
Financial Statements
Boxes of Receipts
Post meeting take aways.
Create a plan specific to
your issues.
Renewed confidence in your financial knowledge.
Ability to sleep at night.